Monday, January 3, 2011


slm semua...
pasti semua merindui post sye...
kwn sharodz masuk usim (fpsk) r pakse post sometg...
pasal pe ek..

bile study group sme2..
deltopectoral groove...
sume ngat..kt x ngt lgsung..
sume ade nota...anie ag byk..
kt xde kt wat time fes yer..
sume ngt ag pe ani present last week...
kt xngt nape?...intercostobrachial nerve??
sume nota fes yer diorg highlight...
kt xde pon..kt xbeli highlighter ke time fes yer...

"baby r u down...down...down...down..."
terngat group b...(suare nudin plg kuat...excited)
tp....sume DOWN nie hilang...
anie: jat, phm x?cmni....cmni...
sof : awk...yg ni la..
thanks korang...


Monday, July 19, 2010


recently..emotion cm dh x btol...
mayb...rindu fmily...
mayb...tension ngn OBE...
mayb...jd bibik taon nie...
mayb...tilam x rata...
mayb...rse sunyi+sepi bile duk kat bilik bwh...
mayb...anie dh x satu umh...
mayb...zue smkin bz...g sane...g sini..
mayb...10sen yg x dpulangkn oleh pkck teksi...
mayb...dpt checkpoint yg emang bg...
mayb...tikus marathon depan kt..nseb kt x jatuh..
mayb...xdpt tasmi' td..
mayb...xdesign ag ntok plaque..
nk nages tbe2...nk cepat ble terngat aten nyer tazkirah...
pe yg mampu...ketuk paku kat dlm lif campus...
*...emotion can influence gastric motility...
*...Ya Allah, kuatkan hamba-Mu ini...

Thursday, June 10, 2010


Instructions:Answer all the question first.Then,Remove 1 question from below and add in your personal question.Make it a total of 7 questions then tag 8 people in your list.List them out at the end of this post.Notify them in their shoutbox that he/she has been tagged!

1.What are you craving now?
# gule nanoo

2.Where is the place that you want to go most?
# gents/ladies...when bowel movement over the limit..

3.If you can have 1 dream to come true,what would it be?
#on 23rd june..this year lar..early in the morning... open the mail box..bukn kat ym 2 la kot..,get present on my birthday from my peers..sbb date 2 salu jatuh during the holidays...but the pros is..i can celebrate with my family...hik2
*promote birthday...he4

4.Which type of person do you hate the most?
# furry men

5.Did u spend or save money when sale?
# when looking sometg less..of course i save ..
but when the "shopaholic" term curse would be spend then..

6.If you have fault,would you rather the people around you point out to you or would you rather they keep quiet?
#point with condition
-jgn mrh2..
-xyh r kecoh2

7.Find a word to describe the person who tagged you!
wafiy= concubine..really excited explaing to the crowd...
wanie= ice-cream...

penat gk wat bende nie...

Monday, May 17, 2010

snowy+tag = frowning

it's hard to accept the faith..isn't it?Yesterday,my gaze remained fixed at one of my sis's cat named snowy..wondering why on earth she didn't want to fill her weak stomach. In my mind, i think she's going to die, just as i thought..late afternoon, sun was slanting through the windows, making the interior of my room i entered it,she was dying..and

several hours later..

she died with mum and i were so enveloped with misery..i couldn't stand to bury her, so my brother did it..farewell snowy,who's the one that never ever makes me angry, never talk any bad things at my back..of course..grinning+ giggling..never let me down, never hurt my feelings and many more..oh, she drives me crazy right now..maybe after a couple of days, i'll be okay..

okay, lets turn into the tag game..really felt sorry to wafiy..what i did in my last post,it's just kidding..dont get offended..anyway, congratz become the pioneer of this game, if i'm not mistaken..and makes others blogger really participate it..i''ll join the game, maybe after you join should answer yours first, then have a right to tag me..he4..

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

ding2..dong...ha4...shinee.(ngt didiy's dance(miss it

can't find da idea for da new post...
plan wanna sto dis blog..
nothing would stop me..rite?..
no ones care..
wanna be just like others..
having a blog as a medium to spread smthg about islam..
i tried to..but end up wit nothing..i think so..
beter i quit.. nothg to say..but i'm starting to luve jb..
#tjok xde kene mengene...ha4#

Tuesday, March 2, 2010


uhuk2...uhuk2..byk btol sawang r nk nk update blog nie..ntahle..rse cam mls dh nk truskn..erm..xtao nk cter pe..pasal englsh getaway??boringggggg...sume org nk cter.. ok la.. cter pasl hjt di hati nie..nth npe t'ingin, kepingin sgt nk beli bola bowling..xdele pndai sgt maen..nthle..smpi mimpi2 dh kes berat dgr hrge die cecah dlm t'sentak gk ble pk2 blek, adk2 kt brg diorg ag byk yg mhl..b'jenme ag.. nak2 psp diorg 1200 dpt due..erm..biasele adk2..paw duet akk2 kt nk beli gune duet sndri...cume pe yg asek tmbul kat otak nie...adkh b'rbaloi???need your opinions guys...tq

Thursday, December 31, 2009


love them all...
evethough people could say that we are not siblings...(so variation)...but, nothing could change our's normal if we do had fighting...or make jokes between oneself..but all of that are the best moment that i could miss when we are far apart...